Success story: How to treat Allergic Rhinitis using Return Legacy's product H+
一位来自 Kajang 雪兰莪顾客的见证分享:
My customer was looking for a product that can help to solve his sons problem, allergic rhinitis. After some explanation, she decided to buy H+ and Medigold. I also shared my experience of using H+ to relief flu of my own daughter to her.
我的一位顾客在4月26日询问我有关Return Legacy产品的功效。她希望我们的产品可以解决她儿子的鼻子敏感和鼻窦炎或鼻子有息肉的问题。经过一番解释,她决定购买 H+ 和 Medigold 试试。 因为我本身用过H+来帮助我女儿舒缓伤风感冒,所以我便分享我的经历和使用方法给她。
Below are the communication between my customer and me:
After she received the product H+ and tried for 2 times, I received good feedback from her. I feel so happy that our H+ is proven again for it's amazing effectiveness in helping customers.
顾客收到H+过后,使用了两次便带来好消息 :D
顾客非常的开心! 她很愿意花一些时间为我们的产品 H+ 写出她的见证,让我分享给大家。以下是顾客分享:
我就上网找资料有没有有效的产品能解决我孩子的问题。我就看到RL的产品及@Elvin 的分享, 就给自己一个信心买了H+。 头俩天用了,我孩子一至打哈欠及鼻涕出来的都是青黄色的。到了第三天就只有一点点黄的鼻涕。到目前流的是白的。
Sharing by Louise:
My son caught a flu and never been recovered after 6 weeks, and everyday he had running nose. I'm not sure how much medicine that he had taken. He became like this since April last year when he entered kindergarten school. He caught flu once every two weeks, and very difficult to recover. Doctor said that he was having rhinitis and allergy nose.
I started to search info on the internet in order to find some effective products that can help to improve the condition of my son. I saw RL products and Elvin's sharing, and decided to buy H+ to try. On the first two days after I used H+, my son keep sneezing and the nasal mucus was green yellowish in color. until the third day, the mucus turned yellowish and then become white.
At night, one hour before sleep, I helped my son to clear the mucus after spraying H+ and he could sleep very well. If sprayed H+ into his throat, he will not cough, and the sputum will reduced.
这里大家可以看到使用RL产品,会对身体带来一些调理反应。感谢@Louise 对我和产品的信心,没有因为小孩变得一直打喷嚏就停止使用H+。我们知道有些调理反应是正常的,是正面的,所以会劝顾客继续使用 :D
We saw that after using products of Return Legacy, our body will have some reaction during the time of recovery. These reactions are normal , and customers should continue to use.
七月更进 (July update):
我再向Ms.Louise 询问小孩的状况,以下是她的回答。
November feedback:
I would like to know how's her son so far. She is very happy to tell me that her son has recovered so well and no sick in two months. She did not let his son to consume our products everyday now, because she want to see what will happen if her son stop taking those supplements.She proves that our products will not cause any reliance!
11月的时候,我再向顾客了解近况。她非常开心的说她的小孩已经2个月没有生病了!她没有每天给小孩服用产品,因为她想试试看小孩会不会依赖产品才不生病。结果,她证明了就算没有一直服用Return Legacy的产品,小孩也不会一直生病! 我们的产品是不会造成依赖性的!
To her and to me, we both agree that health is wealth!
在使用 H+ 这期间,顾客的小孩也发生一个小意外。她的儿子不小心撞到了铁门的锁头,肿得好像我们拇指那么大。由于时间匆忙,就随便喷了2次H+,就送儿子去学校了。放学后,查看小孩伤口,既然都好了,没事一样,压也不会痛!H+真的帮了一个大忙!
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I am Louise who wrote the testimony above. I want to share the story with you again 😉
ReplyDeleteAround 3 weeks I used the H+ for my son and happy with the result. Now he is no running nose around 2 weeks plus. In between I did give my son drink Medigold. He is now everyday happy to play and no more to forced him squeeze out the snivel. 😀
From he getting flu until totally no running nose almost two months ( inclusive treatment by H+). In that two month I really worry him and I can't give him go for school additional activities. Everyday back home with red nose, because teacher did not lap smoothly like what parent do at home.
Parent who have kid suffer allergic and rhinitis/sinuses/sensitive, our life will more busy, worry and kid himself also no happy life. Because they are not like healthy kid can do any activities. As parent need extra care and also make sure surrounding not much dust, not too cold, not too hot etc....
Unless he grown up can manage themselves, parent might release a bit.
Whoever had such problem or your kid easily get flu, fever, why not try this H+ and Medigold.
Thanks for your good review, I'm really happy to hear that Return Legacy products do help your kids :)