Here is a glance of 40 usages of Redoxy serum and more to come.
My friends and customers are asking me about the usages/ functions of Redoxy serum. It's difficult for me to tell them verbally one by one without any picture. Therefore, I'll ask them to refer to photos below for better idea about the usages of Redoxy Serum from Return Legacy's customers (my customers too) :)
Redoxy was improved on November 2016 (in Malaysia and Singapore)
There are reasons behind the miracle that Redoxy serum was sold in a big quantity of 30,000 bottles in just 45 days only, from the first day that she was launched on the internet in March 2014! You would not be able to find this Redoxy serum in any retail shop last year. The company, Return Legacy that sell this Redoxy serum was very successful in getting one million sales performance in merely 20 days only, with no advertisement cost! After 1 year only, Return Legacy had achieved 1 billion sales performance and keep booming!Redoxy一在网上推出(2014年3月),就在45天内卖了3万瓶. Return Legacy公司也在成立二十天后,创下百万业绩!而一年后,公司已创下了千万业绩!这些奇迹都是在没有商业广告的帮助下而达到的。
So, why Redoxy serum is so popular? Redoxy is a serum, BUT I would said that Redoxy is not a normal serum that you had encountered or used before. Redoxy's function is beyond any serum in the market nowadays because of her patented breakthrough MMNT technology from Japan.
Redoxy为何能那么家喻户晓?Redoxy是精华液,但是她不是普通的精华液!她拥有来自日本,而且是Return Legacy的专利科技,微矿化营养技术(MMNT)!目前,在东南亚,只有Return Legacy的产品有MMNT技术,可以逆转氧化!
I shared about MMNT technology in my earlier post, you may refer them if you are interested. In this blog, I just want to share the 40 or even more usages of Redoxy serum on myself, my kids and my customers. Below are true real photos from users :)
就在这里看看Redoxy的40个功效吧 !
1. Redoxy serum reduces bags under your eyes (眼袋)
2. Redoxy serum reduces crow's feet (鱼尾纹)
3. Redoxy serum reduces nasolabial folds (法令纹)
4. Redoxy serum shrink skin pores (毛孔)
5.Redoxy serum reduces black eyes (黑眼圈)
6. Redoxy serum reduces stretch mark(妊辰纹)
8. Redoxy serum make aged skin firmer
9. Redoxy serum improve skin fairness
10. Redoxy serum shrinks acne holes (淡化凹凸洞)
11. Redoxy serum reduces hypertrophi scar appearance (淡化疤痕)
12. Redoxy serum reduces acne vulgaris (粉刺)
13. Redoxy serum recover sensitive skin
14. Redoxy serum reduces pimples
15. Redoxy serum reduces freckles appearance (雀斑)
16. Redoxy serum reduces melasma/ chloasma appearance (黑斑)
17. Redoxy serum reduces age spots appearance (老人斑)
18. Redoxy serum locks in skin cells moisture (锁水)
19. Redoxy serum make skin smoother (皮肤嫩滑)
20. Redoxy serum cotrol oil of face (控油)
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21.Redoxy serum prevent sun burn (预防晒伤)
22. Redoxy serum recover skin from sun burn (治疗晒伤)
23. Redoxy serum get rid of ringworm on babies
24. Redoxy serum recover skin cells
25. Redoxy serum heals swollen skin (治疗皮肤红肿)
26. Redoxy serum heals bruises (黑青)
27. Redoxy serum reduce oil particles (油粒)
28. Redoxy serum remove scars after operation or injury
29. Redoxy serum get rid of psoriasis (牛皮藓)
30. Redoxy serum get rid of hand eczema (富贵手)
31. Redoxy serum reduce reduce chicken pox marks
32. Redoxy serum get rid of hives (风膜)
33. Redoxy serum fasten injured skin recovery
34. Redoxy serum balances skin color (肤色均匀)
35. Redoxy serum lifts up breast (胸部结实)
36. Redoxy serum prevent and diminish inflammation (消炎)
37. Redoxy serum reverse oxidation (逆转氧化)
38. Redoxy serum turns old become younger (Redoxy works best with other products from Return Legacy) (皮肤年轻化)
39. Redoxy serum improves skin condition (Redoxy works best with other products from Return Legacy) (改善皮肤)
40. Redoxy serum turns an aunty to become a beauty (Redoxy works best with other products from Return Legacy)
41. Redoxy serum turns pretty to prettier (Redoxy works best with other products from Return Legacy)
42. Redoxy serum heals dried lips
43. Redoxy serum reduces pimple holes/ acne scars (no need laser)
Redoxy serum is proven to solve your skin problems and give you good results! We have over 1000 testimonials from happy customer :) Now things become even perfect with newly launched 2 degree activator hydro!
Redoxy 已经被广大顾客证明能解决各样的皮肤问题,使皮肤更健康,适合男女老少,婴儿孕妇使用。现在配合新促销产品 2degree Activator Hyro, 效果更惊人!
Medigold 也有60多个健康益处哦!
Potent 无敌的见证在
H+ toner 神奇水更是魅力无法挡,简直是家庭小医生!
Wechat: RedoxyReview
欢迎游览 了解更多! 我依然分享更多的保健知识和更棒的见证!
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