

Return Legacy的产品拥有国际HACCP, ISO, 新加坡HSA, 大马KKM, 泰国FDA, UKM大学教授推荐科技,日本美容大师推荐,新加坡美容老师推荐,日本配合美国科学研究团队,法国科学研究团队,泰国连续2年最佳品牌,还有很多很多的验 证报告,产品成分绝对没有化学,没有类固醇,没有微细菌,没有重金属,没有动物DNA, Paraben Free, SLS Free, SLES Free, 绝对安全使用!

Medigold 将易名为 Mediterranean Gold,从2016年7月7日生效。Medigold除了易名外,其生产过程,以及产品配方都均保持不变。

Monday, February 29, 2016

Unclog nose using H+

小儿鼻塞怎么办? 看下图。




H+ Release Flu and Fever 舒缓伤风及发烧 (H+ 喷淋巴要喷哪里?)


Sunday, February 28, 2016

Best Biz and Products Award 2016

We are proud to announce that Return Legacy receive Best Biz and Products Award 2016 in Thailand. It's our 2nd consequence year to be recognized as the best products in Thailand, that our products are Medigold, H+ and Redoxy.

Return Legacy 获得2016年度泰国最佳产品大奖。这是我们连续2年获得肯定,产品有Medigold, H+, 和 Redoxy.

Thanks to our customers!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Best Moisturizing Ingredients in Redoxy


透明质酸Redoxy 的成分之一,她的MMNT科技使成分非常幼化,能够渗透皮肤深层,提供与众不同的保湿效果!Redoxy 的幼化份子,以及保湿效果可以从解决富贵手的问题来证明。

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring polysaccharide (carbohydrate) in the human body. Its molecule can carry 500 times more of water molecule. Therefore, it currently recognized as the best moisturizing ingredients. It’s present in large amounts in the spaces between skin cells, where it provides moisture, plumpness, firmness and suppleness to the skin. It’s also important for anti –wrinkles, delay skin aging process and best in skin care product.

Hyaluronic acid is one of the ingredients in Redoxy. The MMNT technology can ensure that this ingredient provides outstanding moisturizing to our skin. The good result can be visualized when Redoxy is proven to cure the hand dermatitis problem.

Redoxy 还有另外的40个用途
40 usages of Redoxy serum

For best result, you might need H+ and Medigold

Feel free to consult
Elvin +60165553508
Joyce +60172531235
Betty +60168949531