

Return Legacy的产品拥有国际HACCP, ISO, 新加坡HSA, 大马KKM, 泰国FDA, UKM大学教授推荐科技,日本美容大师推荐,新加坡美容老师推荐,日本配合美国科学研究团队,法国科学研究团队,泰国连续2年最佳品牌,还有很多很多的验 证报告,产品成分绝对没有化学,没有类固醇,没有微细菌,没有重金属,没有动物DNA, Paraben Free, SLS Free, SLES Free, 绝对安全使用!

Medigold 将易名为 Mediterranean Gold,从2016年7月7日生效。Medigold除了易名外,其生产过程,以及产品配方都均保持不变。

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Professor Dr. Azizan Ahmad UKM Mengesyorkan Produk MMNT

Return Legacy adalah syarikat berdaftar di Malaysia. Return Legacy baru ditubuhkan sejak March 2014. Syarikat ini memperkenalkan teknologi MMNT (Micro-mineralized Nutrient Technology) dari Jepun kepada kita. Teknologi MMNT ini merupakan hak milik Return Legacy sahaja!

Professor Dr. Azizan Ahmad dari Univeriti Kebangsaan Malaysia berasa bangga dengan Teknologi MMNT yang terkandung dalam produk Return Legacy. Beliau amat mengesyorkan produk Return Legacy oleh sebab tiada DNA Porcine, tiada bahan kimia, dan tiada bahan berbahaya kepada manusia, dan semua produk adalah HALAL! Teknologi MMNT inilah yang dapat memastikan bahawa produk Return Legacy amat berkesan dalam menyelesaikan masalah kulit and kesihatan kita.

Biodata untuk Professor Dr. Azizan bin Ahmad di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Pada bulan Mei 2015, Professor Dr.Azizan memberikan ucapan mengenai teknologi MMNT di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Lihat and dengarlah ucapan beliau.

Testimoni di bawah:

Untuk mengetahui 40 fungsi Redoxy, sila kunjungi

Untuk maklumat lanjut, boleh hubungi

Elvin +016-5553508
Betty +016-8949531
Joyce +017-2531235

Monday, October 26, 2015

Resveratrol in Medigold

Medigold 里面含有白藜蘆醇 (Resveratrol),经瑞士大学的研究证实,拥有保护脑部的功能。同时白藜蘆醇也可以除去脑损伤斑块和抵抗自由基,因此有效改善Alzheimer's Disease。

Medigold的成分是由法国的Fytexia研究配制而成,肯定少不了红酒里的白藜蘆醇。Medigold 是Return Legacy的产品,而白藜蘆醇只是Medigold里面的其中一个成分而已。Medigold 讲求均衡饮食概念,她的配方使我们能够获得更全面的蔬菜水果的补益!


 “Medigold 是一个结合了11种蔬菜和11种水果(Oxxynea, 橄榄萃取物(Oleactiv),Vinovia红葡萄提取物(Resveratrol),L-谷胱甘肽(L-Glutathione),L-阿拉伯糖(L-Arabinose), 酵母铬(Chromium Yeast),低聚异麦芽糖(IMO)和维生素C (Vitamin C)的独特配方。MediGold 能让您保护,维持和提升健康及活力的健康食品。”

今天这篇我们不看别的成分,就只看现今最获得推崇的抗衰老成分,白藜蘆醇! 以下这video的报导说明了白藜蘆醇的功效和研究,请慢慢观看。

白藜蘆醇也有抗衰老和抑制不良细胞成长的功效。由于Medigold 是保健品,主要是预防或减低不良细胞成长的风险,而不是治疗,所以应该是在问题还没有产生的时候服用。如果不良细胞以及长成了,医治的工作还是需要交给医生。


Elvin 016-5553508
Betty 016-8949531
Joyce 017-2531235

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Breast Self Examination and Cancer Prevention

《乳癌》 Dr. Bruce Miller 这本书中看到乳房自我检查的方法,觉得可以在这十月的乳腺癌防治月来让多一些女性学习如何检查乳房。很碰巧,我也在网上找到英语版的图解。





除了植物雌激素,女性也需要抗氧化补充品,也就是取之蔬菜水果的Medigold. Medigold 的抗氧化值ORAC value 高达10,000,是预防癌细胞成长的重要饮料。

Elvin +6016-5553508
Joyce +6017-2531235
Betty +6016-8949531

强力推荐女性保健配套, 特别针对女性荷尔蒙的调理和备孕!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Fytexia obtained Natural Product Numbers from the Canadian Natural Health Product Directorate

Fytexia gets Canadian approval for Sinetrol, Oxxynea  

May 4, 2015

French polyphenol specialist,Fytexia has obtained Natural Product Numbers for its flagship weight management and antioxidant ingredients.

French-based polyphenol specialist Fytexia has obtained Natural Product Numbers (NPN) from the Canadian Natural Health Product Directorate (NHPD) for the ingredients Sinetrol and Oxxynea, along with accepted claims recognizing their health benefits. (Note: Oxxynea is one of the major ingredients in Medigold)

The successful registration of the company’s two best-selling materials validates Fytexia’s decision to enter the Canadian market. In addition to unlocking appealing sales opportunities, the NHPD’s approval provides new recognition of the strong body of research supporting Sinetrol and Oxxynea, thereby adding momentum to the current growth of these ingredients worldwide.

Obtained in collaboration with the Canadian-based consultancy Quality Smart Solutions, both Product Licenses have validated strong claims about the ingredients’ properties. Sinetrol was particularly accepted as an ingredient for weight management support based on two published clinical studies from Fytexia. In addition to showing Sinetrol’s significant impact on body fat loss, this research also highlighted a reduction of oxidative stress, allowing the NHPD to approve an additional label claim about this benefit.

In the antioxidant segment, Fytexia’s goal is to respond to the Canadian demand for natural, whole-food materials with Oxxynea, a blend of 22 fruit and vegetables which antioxidant properties were recognized by Health Canada. In recent research, Fytexia found that a daily dose of this blend provided antioxidant benefits equivalent to five servings of fruit and vegetables.


About Natural Health Product Regulation in Canada


See testimonials

News about Medigold Ingredients Supplier Fytexia


Fytexia ranks second at French national awards for international sales performance


France's Sales Leaders network (DCF) awarded Fytexia's outstanding sales dynamic worldwide during its biennial "National week of sales parformance", giving the company the Second Prize.

According to a DCF official, Fytexia won the jury's recognition by reporting impressive sales growth outside of France since 2012, making export the source of 93 % of their revenues.

As part of that progression, the company set up an affiliate in New York City in 2013 with the ambition of making the US its dominant market. The relevance of Fytexia's innovative health ingredients in North America was recognized by Canada's health authority, which recently approved their two flagship products for marketing.

The company is now in the process of opening a new sales office in Kuala Lumpur to reach the full potential of Asian markets such as Malaysia, Korea and Indonesia.

Fytexia takes new step in US extension by joining AHPA


Following a strong growth of its business in the States in the past few years, Fytexia decided to increase its involvement in the industry by signing-up as an Active Member of the American Herbal Products Association.

The company intends to contribute to ongoing changes that will affect the future of the US herbal industry, where its presence has significantly extended since the set-up of Fytexia Corp. in New York City in 2013. Fytexia’s clinically proven ingredients from fruit & vegetables polyphenols can now be found in several leading supplement brands distributed through multiple distribution channels across the country.

According to Lionel Schmitt, President and CEO of Fytexia, “the AHPA is a key influencer on questions related to science, regulations and communication on botanical products, which makes it the perfect fit for us. In order to secure a healthy growth of our business in the US, it’s critical that consumers keep access to high-quality herbal products, and that they can trust labels and claims on those products. We look forward to contributing to that mission within the Association.”
Fytexia will attend its first AHPA events as a member during Supply Side West in Las Vegas next week.

Read also 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Breast Cancer Awareness Part 1


每年约有138万乳腺癌新发病例及45.8万例死亡(国际癌症研究机构Globocan,2008年)。无论是发达国家还是发展中国 家,乳腺癌都是全世界妇女目前面临的最为常见的癌症。在低收入和中等收入国家,由于期望寿命的延长、城市化的加剧以及对西方生活方式的采用,该病的发病率 在过去若干年一直不断上升。

10月12日晚上,在槟城的Bayview Hotel,我出席了Return Legacy 的RLEP。当晚, Mr.Desmond Ooi 就配合乳腺癌宣传月,分享了很多有关女性荷尔蒙失调所引发的各种疾病,其中最引人关注的就是乳癌和子宫癌。

为了提高女性对预防乳癌的醒觉,当晚公司就介绍了Dr. Bruce Miller 的书 《乳癌》。

1. 服用避孕丸 (增加风险50%)
2. 迟迈入更年期(55岁以上)或早进入青春期(12岁以下)
3. 采用荷尔蒙替代疗法(HRT)的女性
4. 有良性乳房肿瘤的病史
5. 肥胖妇女

在《乳癌》这本书里有提到,在最新的世界癌症研究和美国癌症研究中心,观察4千500个个案的完整报告中总结出,我们可以逆转患上癌症的风险,所要做的仅是改变饮食和做运动 。从这方面所进行的抗癌策略是排除可促使形成肿瘤的食物,并鼓励服用取自植物的植物性雌激素,并增加饮食中的抗氧化剂,以中和足以破坏我们DNA的自由基。

为了帮助女性调理经期以及降低患上乳癌或子宫癌的风险,Return Legacy就推出了女性所需要的植物性雌激素W+。W+是由六种植物配置而成,含有非常丰富的植物性雌激素,是女人非常需要的荷尔蒙补充品。

当晚的 RLEP 可是笑声连连!Mr.Desmond Ooi 以幽默又有保健内容的分享,让出席者学到了不少宝贵的知识。预防乳癌,不是女人要关心的事,也是疼爱老婆的丈夫所要关注的。我疼爱我太太,所以我愿意学习这一方面的知识 :)

如果要了解W+ 的成分与功效,可追看:

+6017-2531235 Joyce
+6016-8949531 Betty

Monday, October 12, 2015

Ruby Recognition of Return Legacy

很荣幸也很感恩,11 Oct 2015被邀请出席Return Legacy的 Ruby Recognition典礼,可以和一大群在一起推广mmnt科技产品的伙伴们一起合照和交流。

我非常感谢公司给我的肯定,感谢伙伴给与的教导以及顾客给与的信任。做了13年的Research and Development design engineer (设计工程师), 我自认没有很多的人脉,但是网上所认识的陌生顾客,却愿意给与相信和尝试,我真的非常感谢他们。

我也有2个小孩要看顾,每天也只有2或3个小时的时间,但是也终于找到方法,让这个副业可以成长,组织可以成长。这其实也多亏产品会说话,我就不需要说太多话,哈 :)

我当初认为我没有人脉,没有时间,不可能上Ruby。但是,今天我却可以突破自己的局限,在未来还要更加突破! 要带领伙伴成为Ruby, 因为这是RL公司给我的肯定!


话说当天的Ruby Recognition还有个小插曲。
我因为家里忙,比较迟才在当天下午到达Bayview Hotel的会场。到了会场才知道公司有送领带。于是匆忙的去洗手间,要更换领带。

其实我不是很会结领带,有些懊恼。在洗手间我碰到了Return Legacy CEO, Mr. Patrick (照片里我旁边那位是也) 他很慷慨,自动问我要不要帮忙结领带。二话不说,三倆下他就帮我的领带结好了,长度刚刚好😄


Return Legacy就是有平易近人的公司高层,可以和他们一同学习。公司还年轻,需要一起奋斗的日子还长。公司教导我们要快乐作事,正直作人,我们需要尽力帮忙客户解决问题,不懂的就尽量问,问题由大家一起解决。


Monday, October 5, 2015

How to Cure Hand Eczema Using Redoxy and other Return Legacy Products

 如何使用Redoxy和其他Return Legacy的产品解决富贵手的问题

英文名稱: Keratodermia tylodes palmaris progressiva, Hand Dermatitis
中文名稱: 富貴手
簡稱縮寫: KTPP
名詞解釋: 富貴手俗稱主婦濕疹,是一種手部濕疹,其生成原因主要在於本身的膚質較為敏感,對於外來的物質,經反覆的刺激,而導致手部乾燥、脫皮、龜裂、指紋消失,尤 其在冬天乾燥的季節更是雪上加霜,容易加重惡化。

治疗方式:H+,Redoxy (如果是荷尔蒙失调需要要配合W+,如果是皮肤敏感引发的要配合Medigold)

Return Legacy产品功效:
H+ :补水和修复皮肤,使细胞再生
Redoxy :锁水和渗透皮肤底层提供养分给死皮下的细胞
2度 :滋润和给与长时间的保湿
Medigold :调理内分泌,加强皮肤的抵抗力
W+ :女性调理荷尔蒙失调所导致的皮肤干燥问题


